[Mailman3-dev] Suggested Features

Ian A B Eiloart iane at sussex.ac.uk
Tue Mar 16 08:22:47 EST 2004

--On lunes, 15 marzo 2004 18:16 -0500 Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-03-15 at 09:59, Mark A. Mandel wrote:
>> Ability to modify the HTML template for more than the couple of pages
>> that I can change now. It is currently difficult approaching
>> impracticable to go from reading, say, the Jan. 31 archive mail to the
>> Feb. 1 mail (assuming monthly archiving).
> Let me say right now that while I deeply sympathize with people who want
> a better archiver, it's not on my plate for Mailman 3.0  I think the
> best we can hope for is adapting the current Pipermail software to fit
> into the MM3 architecture, unless someone steps forward to champion the
> archiver effort.
> I continue to encourage volunteers to do so!

Hmm, I think I'd like to have mailman able to deliver the message to an 
LMTP server, and have the LMTP server drop the message into a shared 
mailbox, so that I can use my regular mail client to read mail from the 
archive. If I switch of mail delivery, I don't even need to duplicate the 
contents of the message this way.

The tricky bit would be synchronising the permissions on the mailbox with 
the membership of the list. Oh, and keeping the LMTP server up to date with 
the list of lists.

If I can do that, why do I need a list archive? Why do I need a list 
manager at all? Well, because some of our list members don't belong to the 
university, so they won't have access to the IMAP server.
Ian Eiloart
Servers Team
Sussex University ITS

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