[Matplotlib-devel] please be slower to close bug reports from first-time reporters

Jody Klymak jklymak at uvic.ca
Thu Nov 1 12:46:41 EDT 2018

Hi Tom, 
Sorry if I’ve been too aggressive about this.  I’ve been trying to curate issues more aggressively, not to be unwelcoming, but simply to save the rest of the dev team time in parsing issues.  I *try* to put a note in that we are happy to re-open the issue if more info is forthcoming.  But, if its considered rude to close issues, I’ll stop doing it.  

OTOH, I think *something* should be done, because we have *lots* of zombie issues and PRs around that no one is going back and doing anything about.  I don’t see the point of that huge backlog, and it actually wastes time, because its not easy to go back and sort through what issues and PRs actually need attention. Github strongly encourages last-in-first-out processing, so anything more than a week old might as well be a year old.  

Thanks,  Jody

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