[Matplotlib-devel] [ANN] Matplotlib 3.5.1

Elliott Sales de Andrade quantum.analyst at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 21:00:42 EST 2021

Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the release of 3.5.1.

This is the first bug fix release of the 3.5.x series. Pre-built wheels 
are available for most major platforms, and can be installed using `pip 
install matplotlib==3.5.1`. Other packages may also be available 
already; please check with your preferred source.

We thank the 17 authors for the 84 pull requests that comprise the 3.5.1 

This release contains several critical bug-fixes:

  * fix installation issues when setting a default backend
  * fix |add_lines| on horizontal colorbars
  * fix |streamplot| with start points on right or top edge
  * fix colorbars with boundaries or |NoNorm|
  * fix colorbars with negative contours
  * fix colorbars with tight layout
  * fix setting Axis label alignment to center
  * fix subfigure tight bounding box
  * fix subplot parameter window on macosx backend
  * fix unit handling in |Collections.set_offsets|
  * fix unyt integration in |errorbar|
  * re-display date offset in |ConciseDataFormatter| after zoom
  * reduce |do_3d_projection| deprecation warnings in external artists

For further details, please see the What's new in Matplotlib 3.5.0 page:
and the milestone on GitHub:

These releases are signed by my GPG key. The fingerprint is:
23CA B59E 3332 F94D 26BE F037 8D86 E7FA E5EB 0C10

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