[Matplotlib-devel] Blume update

Hannah story645 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 17:54:57 EDT 2022

I think it'd make a fantastic blog post for
https://blog.scientific-python.org/ or are you thinking one off event type

On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 2:22 PM swfiua at gmail.com <swfiua at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have slowly got my blume project to the point where enough of it works
> that I can use it to give a brief tour of the bits of matplotlib I've been
> exploring along the way.
> I'm afraid there's still no new table, but  there are mosaics of axes.
> Is anyone interested in a mini tour of Legends, Tables, mosaics, rcparams.
> Offsetbox and Cells too.
> I'm using it all to explore the universe.
> That part I have split off into a separate project, gotu, which in turn
> uses blume -- so I now have a need for a stable blume, which I am hoping to
> have by the end of the month.
> Is anyone interested in a mini tour of Legends, Tables, mosaics, rcparams.
> Offsetbox, Cells and related curiosities?
> Johnny Gill
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