[PYTHON MATRIX-SIG] Last complaints about NumPy 1.0a5

Konrad Hinsen hinsen@ibs.ibs.fr
Thu, 24 Oct 96 14:21:44 +0100

> > I am sure that if I cry out aloud "what's a binary search" in our
> > terminal room, I won't get a single correct answer.
>  I just tried that here, and people immediately started discussing
> search complexity and implementation details.  That it required sorted
> data was so obvious that noone even told me...

Must be computer scientists, right? Whenever I try to give a Python
demonstration, I usually get stuck at the point where someone asks
what the maximum size of an "undeclared" list is. And once I had to
explain dictionaries in terms of Fortran arrays containing indices to
other arrays. But then what do you expect from people who are willing
to spend a whole day writing a Fortran program to add up the length
of files from a tar archive listing...

Konrad Hinsen                          | E-Mail: hinsen@ibs.ibs.fr
Laboratoire de Dynamique Moleculaire   | Tel.: +33-
Institut de Biologie Structurale       | Fax:  +33-
41, av. des Martyrs                    | Deutsch/Esperanto/English/
38027 Grenoble Cedex 1, France         | Nederlands/Francais

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