[medusa] status.py out of sync?

Sam Rushing rushing@n...
Fri, 28 Jan 2000 21:25:58 -0800 (PST)

Robin Becker writes:
> The Zope version at least of status.py seems to be out of sync with
> the recent changes to asyncore.py

> I think that channel_list_producer should contain something like
> channel_reprs = map (
> lambda x: '<' + repr(x[0]) + ',' + repr(x[1])[1:-1] + '>',
> asyncore.socket_map.items()
> )

asyncore.socket_map.values(), actually.

> the same is true wherever we refer to the keys() as these seem to
> be just integers now rather than objects.

Yes, this change has been very painful, I'm continually finding things
that are broken by it.
