Newbie quesiton: how to pass parameters to a .mpy script as uri queries?

jims@s... jims@s...
Sun, 07 Jan 2001 09:00:08 -0000

Hi all

I'm a bit of a newbie, and I'm wondering how to go about writing a 
Python script (I'm currently using script_handler, and I don;t know 
if that's the proper handler to use) that accepts as input parameters 
passed in on the URI of a GET request. For example:

would invoke the gimme.mpy script and pass the argument "category" 
with a value of "42" and the argument "item" with the value "white". 

I tried writing the .mpy using the Python cgi module (the usual 
has_key stuff, see the cgi module docs on, and that does 
not seem to work. When I tinker with I see that the 
query is being split off from the path by split_path, but nothing is 
being done with the query.

It seems to me that there should be a simple way to do this?

