[melbourne-pug] Melbourne Community

Tennessee Leeuwenburg tennessee at tennessee.id.au
Wed Apr 12 03:33:25 CEST 2006

Hi all,

It looks like the regular meetings have fallen by the wayside, unless
they've been going on without any associated mailing list chatter.

I'd quite like to see a little more life in MPUG, I don't know if anyone
else agrees. I found the regular meetings a bit tough to attend because
I work full-time and have quite a lot of time demands in my home life.

To that end, perhaps I could offer to collate and edit some articles
into an e-magazine, perhaps bringing the first issue into existence
around June 1? I would be happy to do put such a thing together, and if
anyone has any articles, cookbook recipes or even simple ideas, please
feel free to contact me. The existence of a magazine of this kind might
help people feel a bit more connected? Also, if any of the more
long-standing members of MPUG would care to contribute an article on the
history of mpug, or personal accounts, that would be great.

If people think this is a bad idea, feel free to let me know that, also.
Crocker's rules are fine by me.

Anyone interested in my background can examine my largely defunct blog
which I maintained actively for a year, at
melbournephilosopher.blogspot.com. I don't have any webspace currently,
so I haven't got an ego page up right now.


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