[Moin-devel] Templates

Juergen Hermann jh at web.de
Tue Mar 26 13:39:04 EST 2002


I want to add templating to this or the next version. Requirements are:

 1. no dependency on other projects, i.e. Quixote and the wealth of 
other existing tools I know of are ruled out

 2. performance: no loading of templates from text files or something

 3. easy development: no build-steps that cannot be automated in a 
developer setup

The best thing would be some sort of compiler that generates pure 
python sources, so that only template authors or advanced users would 
need to use some tool.

A possible path is to generate the templates from XML via XSLT, 
producing *.py that is then loaded by the core source. Note that using 
XSLT directly is currently just too slow, unless we would use _very_ 
clever caching.

Ciao, Jürgen

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