[Moin-devel] Templates

David LeBlanc whisper at oz.net
Tue Mar 26 14:08:13 EST 2002

wrt to xml, xslt, caching etc, i've just been experimenting with a project
called maki that does all that and uses caching to speed things up. Might be
worth looking at for ideas: http://maki.sourceforge.net/. Oh - it's in
python and uses PyXml and 4suite! :)

I've also done a good deal of thinking about templates etc. If user
preferences can modify the appearance/rendering of a page, then one would
have to cache some intermediate form that could be finally rendered -
perhaps an html page with just a few final tags to be substituted?

As for templates not being in files - why? TWiki uses file-based templates,
with some common templates lumped into a single file and others in separate
files. I've never noticed a performance penalty using this approach. Making
templates python source or something like that seems to me to raise the bar
for page content developers much too high. Personally, I like the idea of
making them xml/xslt and rendered (possibly into an intermediate form as
discussed above).


Dave LeBlanc
Seattle, WA USA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: moin-devel-admin at lists.sourceforge.net
> [mailto:moin-devel-admin at lists.sourceforge.net]On Behalf Of Juergen
> Hermann
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 13:38
> To: MoinMoin Development
> Subject: [Moin-devel] Templates
> Hi!
> I want to add templating to this or the next version. Requirements are:
>  1. no dependency on other projects, i.e. Quixote and the wealth of
> other existing tools I know of are ruled out
>  2. performance: no loading of templates from text files or something
>  3. easy development: no build-steps that cannot be automated in a
> developer setup
> The best thing would be some sort of compiler that generates pure
> python sources, so that only template authors or advanced users would
> need to use some tool.
> A possible path is to generate the templates from XML via XSLT,
> producing *.py that is then loaded by the core source. Note that using
> XSLT directly is currently just too slow, unless we would use _very_
> clever caching.
> Ciao, Jürgen
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