[Moin-devel] AttachFile patch

Marcus Williams marcus at quintic.co.uk
Wed Jul 9 01:58:05 EDT 2003

Hi -

I've made some modifications to the AttachFile action. Basically this
allows for moderated attachments. All attachments go to a pending
directory waiting for administrator approval. An administrator
approves them by moving them into the pages attachments directory
(this bit can be automated via cgi, but I havnt needed to for my
usage). It needs cleaning up (so that it can be switched off/on with
some options) but I'm using it on a site at the moment and it seems to
work well.

Whilst in the pending directory, users can still refer to them
using the standard attachment/inline achemas but the links appear as
"Attachment xyz.ext on hold pending approval" until they get moved to
the attachment directory. I've also added an administrator email
variable in the moin_config file so that notifications can be sent to
the administrator when attachments are added to a page.

Has anyone else got any use for this patch (I can post it here if
people want it)?


Marcus Williams - http://www.onq2.com
Quintic Ltd, 39 Newnham Road, Cambridge, UK

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