[Moin-devel] wiki to document (e.g. PDF) conversion

"Höppner, Dierk" Dierk.Hoeppner at tib.uni-hannover.de
Wed Nov 26 23:27:02 EST 2003

> > I was wondering if there is an existing framework (Parser, Market,
> etc)
> > for converting MoinMoin pages into a document (like PDF) 
> format.  I've
> > been using MoinMoin for keeping records, and many of the records are
> in
> > a very structured (thanks to MoinMoin) format.
> > 
> > Now, I'd just like to be able to click on a button and dump the
> > structured record to a document.
> > 
> > If this doesn't exist, I could implement it, and I'd be open to
> comments
> > and suggestions for the right way to do it.
> I suppose there are other libraries but you could look at 
> using "piddle"
> 	http://piddle.sourceforge.net/
> If you rendered the pages this way it would also make renders 
> available
> in SVG, PS, GL! etc.
> I realise this may not be the best solution as you'd have to interpret
> the page to be rendered and emulate an HTML renderer (non trivial).


Piddle is somewhat outdated. Much, much better for this project would be the
Reportlab PDF toolkit from http://www.reportlab.org/. This library can
interpret a lot of HTML markup, cares for page layout etc. Piddle was made
by Andy Robinso and others. Now he is chief of reportlab and the toolkit is
the direct successor of Piddle.


Viele Grüße

Dierk Höppner
German National Library of Science and Technology
University Library Hannover
Welfengarten 1b, 30167 Hannover
Tel.: 0511/762-4067, Fax: 0511/762-5881
Mobil: 0163/762 4067
E-Mail: dierk.hoeppner at tib-hannover.de

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