[Moin-devel] wiki to document (e.g. PDF) conversion

Florian Festi festifn at rupert.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
Thu Nov 27 01:26:07 EST 2003

> I was wondering if there is an existing framework (Parser, Market, etc)
> for converting MoinMoin pages into a document (like PDF) format.  I've
> been using MoinMoin for keeping records, and many of the records are in
> a very structured (thanks to MoinMoin) format.
> Now, I'd just like to be able to click on a button and dump the
> structured record to a document.
> If this doesn't exist, I could implement it, and I'd be open to comments
> and suggestions for the right way to do it.

There have been some effords to implement a latex formatter. I don't know
hat far this has come.

see MoinMoin:FormatterMarket



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