[Moin-devel] UTF-8 and moinmoin

Дамјан Георгиевски penguinista at mail.net.mk
Tue Sep 23 02:40:04 EDT 2003

I'm using the latest stable moinmoin on a Linux computer and I've setup 
it to UTF-8 charset... I've found that the quoteFilename() in MoinMoin/
wikiutil.py is not necesseary, since the Linux FS can safelly use UTF-8 
filenames, and browsers (tried with mozilla & konqueror) can use links 
with UTF-8.

The only thing quoteFilename() should probably do is check for the "/" 
character since that and "\0" are the only special characters in the 
UNIX FS API. For Windows I guess its different but should be simillar.

(so a simple filename.replace('/','_2f') is enough)

I'm sending you this just as a help in the effort to make moinmoin 
completely UTF-8 capable... Well, it seems the only thing needed now is 
a UTF-8 WikiWord detection, and hunting some bugs like in the Indexes 
and similar...

Дамјан                                  (jabberID:damjan at bagra.net.mk)

     The three Rs of Microsoft support: Retry, Reboot, Reinstall.

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