[Moin-devel] Re: MoinI18n/pt and MoinI18n/pt-br
Eduardo Luis Isatto
isatto at cpgec.ufrgs.br
Tue May 3 12:59:52 EDT 2005
I respect and partially agree with Leonardo. In the specific case of pt_PT and pt_BR there is also an agreement between governments to integrate both languages in the long term. However, it is the _ideal_ situation. In my specific situation, I am dealing with undergraduate students and need to be understood. As the say in Total Quality Management, we need to hear our customers. :)
BTW, is much more difficult to Wikipedia to handle different languages than in MoinMoin. Also, Wikipedia has an important role to play in this process of language integration. I don't think the same happens with MoinMoin.
Eduardo Isatto
On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 03:41:37PM -0300, Leonardo Gregianin wrote:
> Hi to all,
> >Besides that, are pt_PT (Portuguese Portuguese) and pt_BR (Brasilian
> >Portuguese) really the same? Somebody on our IRC channel said that both
> >languages are not, i.e. they would differ like the many local Spanish
> >derivatives do.
> >
> >
> [portuguese below]
> Really, Pt-br and Pt-pt are peculiar but in the Wikipedia the persons of
> the two languages live together well. To _equality_ that be saying
> would be that to Pt-pt and to Pt-br were translated by persons that
> speak brasilian portuguese, therefore, are equal.
> [pt] Realmente Pt-br e Pt-pt são diferentes mas na Wikipedia esta
> diferença é suprimível e as pessoas dos dois idiomas convivem bem. A
> _igualdade_ que estava dizendo seria que a pt-pt e a pt-br foram
> traduzidos por pessoas que falam português do Brasil, portanto, são iguais.
> Best regards,
> Leonardo Gregianin.
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