[Moin-user] new to moinmoin; FrontPage problem

Peter Wang pwang at 14853.net
Thu Dec 11 06:12:00 EST 2003

Hi everyone,

I just installed moinmoin last night and I'm having some issues just
editing the FrontPage.  I can click "edit this page" and add text, but
when I click "Save" or "Preview", my changes are saved to a new page named
"/FrontPage" (different from "FrontPage"), and the actual FrontPage
remains unchanged.  The amusing thing is that if I then go and edit
/FrontPage, my changes get saved into a new page "//FrontPage", etc.

I haven't had a chance to look through the python code yet, but I set up
my apache.conf with Alias and ScriptAlias lines just as the installation
instructions described.  I wanted to search the list archives before
emailing, but apparently they don't exist, and Google turned up nothing...
(well, it turned up a lot of "FrontPage - MoinMoin" hits but nothing
describing my problem.)


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