[Moin-user] umask question

Alex Newby anewby at mailbolt.com
Fri Dec 12 22:27:01 EST 2003

MoinMoin installed successfully, but I did not want to leave umask as the
default 777 because I'm on a shared host. I changed this to 770 which
appeared successful; however, user.py doesn't like this arrangement.

I had to make my user dir manually, and permit it accordingly.

My user trails are being created with permission 404, and 604 for the
pickle leading to a very unhappy MoinMoin.

Forgive my ignorance here. I tried modifying the code in places, but that
just led to no good.

BTW, MoinMoin smokes Twiki. There's absolutely no comparison there:)

Thanks for your input.

Alex Newby

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