[Moin-user] HelpOnUserPreferences and HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnWin32
Roger Haase
crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 20 14:56:07 EST 2003
--- Juergen Hermann <jh at web.de> wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 11:41:53 -0800 (PST), Roger Haase wrote:
> >I have updated the two above pages.
> xcopy htdocs C:\Moin\htdocs /E
> This has a distinct disadvantage: updates of moin (e.g. CSS changes)
> won't be reflected w/o manual intervention.
> Proposed change: point the ALIAS (not the scriptalias) directly to
> the
> share/moin/htdocs dir as installed.
I anticipated some controversy over that, and had an earlier version
written as you suggest. Since you are the BDFL of MoinMoin I will be
happy to change it if you want it that way. But what led me to the
alternative of copying it out was:
- The Unix install puts the Alias target in /usr/share/moin/htdocs and
the Windows install goes to C:\Python\share\moin\htdocs. Serving the
Alias out of the Python tree gives me minor discomfort.
- At least one user had some confusion over the wiki/Alias,
mywiki/ScriptAlias statements. Copying both the Alias and ScriptAlias
targets to C:\Moin should clarify the setup. If the user has other
Apache-served directories, C:\Moin should be made a sibling making a
neater installation rather than having an orphan hidden in C:\python.
- Updates of moin may include updates to the editing HelpOn... pages.
So the issue of how and when to recopy files to mywiki exists and must
be explained. Copying files to wiki is a few extra commands.
- Users need a place to put their mywiki-logo.gif's and .css overrides.
Putting these in C:\Python gives me minor discomfort again.
Your call.
Roger Haase
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