[Moin-user] HelpOnUserPreferences and HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnWin32

Juergen Hermann jh at web.de
Thu Feb 20 15:39:04 EST 2003

On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 14:55:15 -0800 (PST), Roger Haase wrote:

>- The Unix install puts the Alias target in /usr/share/moin/htdocs and
>the Windows install goes to C:\Python\share\moin\htdocs.  Serving the
>Alias out of the Python tree gives me minor discomfort.

Well, /usr is the python tree on Unix. ;)  Windows just behave a little 
different. The main point here is the "share" part: the htdocs directory 
is shared by all instances (ok, the rest is not shared, but is the 
"shared" base for all instances when they're instantiated).

>- At least one user had some confusion over the wiki/Alias,
>mywiki/ScriptAlias statements. Copying both the Alias and ScriptAlias
>targets to C:\Moin should clarify the setup. If the user has other
>Apache-served directories, C:\Moin should be made a sibling making a
>neater installation rather than having an orphan hidden in C:\python.

If you go that route, you should maybe use the --prefix=c:\Moin setup.py 
option and put NOTHING into the python tree. That then also solves the 
update problem, but OTOH requires a sys.path.append change in moin.cgi.
Danger here is that later, people forget to state the --prefix option 
when updating.

--prefix is the option that keeps all moin related stuff in just one 
base directory. It's what I use regularly, but then I'm deep into this 
stuff, and update things very often.

>- Updates of moin may include updates to the editing HelpOn... pages.
>So the issue of how and when to recopy files to mywiki exists and must
>be explained. Copying files to wiki is a few extra commands.
>- Users need a place to put their mywiki-logo.gif's and .css overrides.
>Putting these in C:\Python gives me minor discomfort again.

Mixing these with the wiki files is maybe not a good idea. :)

Maybe a _second_ Alias /wikidata pointing to c:/moin/wikidata?

>Your call.

No, yours. Consider the --prefix way (con: sys.path.append needed, pro: 
one dir only). Consider the "alias to other dir, and don't add you own 
files there", plus maybe "add our own document files to 'wikidata'".

If you think the current description is it, tell people that they 
regularly need to update CSS files after an update (ESPECIALLY when 
using CVS, then it's really a discomfort).

And finally, maybe we should append a section explaining how to use your 
own CSS by @importing an unmodified moinmoin.css.

What we should strictly avoid is to introduce decision paths into the 
default install docs, that is #1 confusion source. So please don't add 
my way in addition to yours, stick to yours if you think it's best.

P.S.: What just appeared to me, do we have to handle users that have no 
admin rights? Can they use the description in the current form?

Ciao, Jürgen

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