[Moin-user] Linking to attachments with spaces

Gisbert Amm gia at webde-ag.de
Fri Jan 9 07:15:05 EST 2004

> How can I link to attachments with spaces in the filename? When I use:
>    attachment:LONG Filename - With Spaces (V1.0).doc
> I get:
>    Upload new attachment "LONG" Filename - With Spaces (V1.0).doc
> As the link in the wiki page.
> Is there some way I can cause MoinMoin to recognize the 
> entire filename?



But I in your place would rename the file on upload to an identifier without
spaces since the spaces make the filename fairly hard to read and cause
nothing than problems on the web aswell as in the filesystem.

If you want to have it *displayed* on the page *with* spaces as the original
filename was, you can do

[attachment:filename_without_spaces LONG Filename - With Spaces (V1.0).doc]

Gisbert Amm

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