[Moin-user] Re: really slow standalone MoinMoin 1.3.4 on Windows ME with Python 2.4

Brian van den Broek bvande at po-box.mcgill.ca
Fri Mar 18 23:24:29 EST 2005

Alexander Schremmer said unto the world upon 2005-03-18 14:09:
> On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:47:51 -0500, Brian van den Broek wrote:
>>My computer isn't exactly a screaming box -- its a 5 year old laptop
>>800 MHz PIII with a mere 128 MB RAM -- but still, these times seem a
>>bit much. Is there anything else I can do (short of getting a real
>>computer :-) to speed things up?
> Is it correct that you use the normal MoinMoin package and not MMDE? I will
> assume this ...

Hi all,

thanks for the reply, Alexander. (And, I realized I sent my reply to 
Nir's previous response privately by accident, so, thanks Nir, too.)

This is the first I've heard of MMDE. So, yes, the normal package.

> It seems like Windows ME updates the modification time of the directory not
> only too seldom but even without an update having took place. There is just
> one occasion on which the cache might be rebuilt "legally": after you used
> another feature which caused Python to create a .pyc file in the package
> directory.
> So if this caching delay (a few minutes because MoinMoin ships with several
> hundred of pages) still occurs after you have really used all MoinMoin
> features, you should file a bug.

No bug report needed, I think. I posted in a bit of a panic over the 
giant delay the first time I tried :-)

I've culled all non-English system pages. Now, the first time in a 
moin.py session I click on a title for the backlinks, it takes a bit 
long for a result, but it isn't glacial. Subsequent attempts work 
quick enough. (From just testing, 17.74 seconds for the first request, 
and subsequent request cluster around 1.5 s.)

So, thanks for the help.

Best to all,

Brian vdB

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