[Moin-user] configuration for wiki farm with twisted?

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Apr 6 01:15:05 EDT 2006

> host, and I had to compile and install python + Tkinter to get it
> working.

moin doesn't require tkinter, but python maybe does, depending on 

> Now I'd like to reconfigure to use Twisted instead of standalone, and
> have a wiki farm of two wikis, and possibly more later.  Is the
> following the correct way I should put this together?
>         WikiFarm/
>                 underlay/
>                 farmconfig.py
>                 mointwisted.py
>                 FirstWiki.py
>                 SecondWiki.py
>                 FirstWiki/
>                           data/
>                 SecondWiki/
>                            data/

Yes, you can do it that way, but you can do it in any other way, too. :)

The only important things are that the moin config and code is found 
(usually modify some sys.path line in the start script) and that you do 
NOT expose the data dirs on the web by the web server.

> Since I'm not the admin, I can't create the DNS alias, so I was
> thinking of disambiguating on something like
>          someplace:8080/FirstWiki/
>          someplace:8080/SecondWiki/
> Is this the right way to go?

Try it. I prefer the wiki{1,2,3}.domain.tld form. I tried the path stuff 
once, but that was a year ago.

 > Can I move my current
> FirstWiki/underlay/ directory into the common WikiFarm/underlay area?

The underlay is intended to never get changed by the user, so you can 
just throw it away and copy a recent version from the dist archive.

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