[Moin-user] Problem understanding BadContent

Gnarlodious lists.gnarlodious at gmail.com
Sun Dec 23 12:21:16 EST 2007

BadContent doesn't actually stop spammers, it only prevents them from
posting words that are blocked.

The Chinese spammers are all operating out of Chinese IP addresses. I
have used the Apache htaccess blocking method and haven't had a spam
in a few months. Search the archives for recent posts that explain in
detail how I did it.

-- Gnarlie

On 12/23/07, Steven W. Orr <steveo at syslang.net> wrote:
> I *just* discovered that I had about 100+ pages that were probably created
> by Chinese spammers. I really don't know what I'm doing but I'm learning.
> So I went through all of the pages and deleted the spam. I also went
> through and manually deleted all of the users that created the spam.
> *Then* I found out about the existence of BadContent.
> I'm running moin-1.5.6. I went to create BadContent and discovered that it
> was already there and that there were 57 revisions with the most recent
> being just a couple of days ago. I'm not too dumb so I have to assume that
> this means that the file is automagically updating. What I did not see was
> that the page was enabled (like the docs said I needed to do). How can I
> tell if this is all working correctly?
> Thanks, and Merry Festivus!

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