[Moin-user] email lost password sends password in encrypted form

Thomas Waldmann tw-public at gmx.de
Thu Feb 1 06:54:17 EST 2007

> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinBugs/ResetPasswordEmailImproperlyEncoded
> that seems to describe my problem.  I did a check to see whether the
> encoded form of my password would have a trailing '=' sign, and it
> does.  When the encoded version is emailed to me, I do not see the '='
> sign.

As you see at the bottom of the bug page, the issue was fixed (worked 
around) by multiple patches, so using a recent moin release should help.

The main problem with that stuff was that some python standard lib's 
email function are buggy and behave differently, so we had to add some 
magic dynamically doing the right thing.

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