[Moin-user] Updating Cache

Grant McEwan grant at 4d-electronics.co.nz
Tue Feb 20 15:38:00 EST 2007

I've tried the moin ... Maint cleancache, that cleaned up the original problem of not being able to access the wiki at all. 
But I still have issues where the creation of a new page is throwing up the error of CacheNeedsUpdate

Any more ideas?

> I have a problem where my 1.5.7 moinmoin wiki is saying that I need to 
> update the cache
> I found the nifty button which does that for you, but now When I click 
> on the link to create a new page, it just starts saying that the 
> CacheNeedsUpdate
> How do I go about doing this?

Maybe just once clear the cache globally: moin ... maint cleancache

Alternatively: rm data/pages/*/cache/text_html


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