[Moin-user] headers in python

Vincent Favre-Nicolin vincefn at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Feb 23 10:55:42 EST 2007


> The above mix of php with moinmoin gives pretty erratic results.  I think
> there must be a way to have an "include" type of command within python.  I
> recall when I was using Zope, a few years back, that it was possible. 
> Anyone have any ideas how it can be done in moinmoin?  Where can I edit
> what appears in the top portion of moinmoin?

   Python is not a language devoted to producing web pages, so it wannot be 
that simple.
   However, MoinMoin does more or less work by assembling different parts of 
the page, using python. The code you should look at is the theme files, e.g. 
classic.py modern.py in the MoinMoin/theme subdir. Look at the "header" 
and "footer" functions to see how they add the header and footer on the 
pages, and modify that.

Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Université Joseph Fourier
ObjCryst & Fox : http://objcryst.sourceforge.net

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