[Moin-user] how to launch a terminal window from MoinMoin

Ted Stern dodecatheon at gmail.com
Fri Apr 25 16:28:30 EDT 2008

Hi all,

I'd like to have a macro that does something like this:


The default would be to do something like this:

  xterm -e "ssh host 'cd directory; export TERM=xterm; /bin/bash -i'"

The display would look something like this:


which could be easily cut and pasted into a terminal for scp purposes.

The application is that there is a remote server hosting very large
files that would be inconvenient to copy.  The typical user has access
to the remote host and an account there.

Is there a standard HTML way to launch a terminal from a browser?

 dodecatheon at gmail dot com
 Frango ut patefaciam -- I break so that I may reveal

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