[Moin-user] [[BR]] vs <<BR>>

Martin Woolley sysadmin at handsworth.bham.sch.uk
Mon Feb 25 10:34:16 EST 2008

we've been running MoinMoin 1.5.3 on an external web hosting company 
successfully for 3 years.  We are in the process of moving it inhouse and 
I've decided to ugrade to the latest version (1.6.1).  

One thing that I found is that previously macros such as break line worked if 
entered in the formatting language as [[BR]] but now they only appear to work 
if entered as <<BR>>.  Is this configurable? We would rather like to keep the 
square brackets rather than trawl all of our pages and change them to angled 
Martin Woolley
ICT Support
Handsworth Grammar School
Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna

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