[Moin-user] Problems migrating

Rick Vanderveer rick.vanderveer at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 12:27:07 EST 2008

Huh, perhaps I mis-read or mis-interpreted the line from the CHANGES file:

  User interface:
    * Removed "underscore in URL" == "blank in pagename magic" - it made
      trouble than it was worth. If you still want to have a _ in URL, just
      put a _ into pagename.

... And assumed that was the reason for the whole rename1.txt to
rename2.txtsequence.  If this is wrong, someone please correct me.
When I *didn't*
make changes to the rename2.txt file (especially the FILES), the migration
script bombed.

Someone please clarify the need/use of the rename files?


On Jan 8, 2008 10:56 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 08/01/2008, Rick Vanderveer <rick.vanderveer at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I initially had a large number of issues also (including migration
> script
> > issues similar to yours).
> >
> > After my own migration pains, I've a thoroughly documented the upgrade
> > process which (I hope) you might find helpful. (Hopefully it can serve
> as a
> > concatenated upgrade instructions page).
> >
> > http://moinmo.in/RickVanderveer/MigratingFromMoin15ToMoin16
> Thanks. That looks useful. However, your comment "Moin no longer
> allows spaces in page names or attachments" cannot be right - page
> names with spaces are seriously important to us. I just proved this on
> moinmo.in - see http://moinmo.in/PaulMoore/A%20Test
> I did change the target names for all the pages it had put underscores
> into to use spaces (again). So, for example, my rename2.txt file had a
> line in it:
> PAGE|SQL_Scripts|SQL Scripts
> If that's not right, how should I have done it so that the page was
> still called "SQL Scripts"?
> Thanks,
> Paul.
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