[Moin-user] How can I migrate a 1.5.7 wiki to 1.6?

Matthias Popp pmshell2002 at yahoo.de
Tue Jan 8 18:03:04 EST 2008

Am Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008 schrieb Rick Vanderveer:
> Oliver,
> Yes, you need to install moin 1.6 first.
> Although, I'm not sure how you were able to get that final migration script
> without doing so first.  That kinda baffles me...
> Here are the steps I took, which can provide a somewhat high-level overview
> (it's Windows-centric, but it should provide an overview anyway):
> http://moinmo.in/RickVanderveer/MigratingFromMoin15ToMoin16
> -Rick
> On Jan 8, 2008 7:25 AM, <kuhnolive at fh-bingen.de> wrote:

> > moin --config.dir=/usr/share/moin/config/ --wiki-url=
> >
> > migration data
> >
> > and got:
> >
> > Calling migration script for dta, base revision 1060000
> > Final mig script reached, migration is complete.
> >
> > O.K. But I did not get this rename1.txt.
> >
> > Is there another stepwise description?
> >
> > greets
> > oliver

I have the same problem to converert a wiki 1.5.8 to 1.6.0

www-data at biljana:/usr/local/share/moin/moin-1.6.0/cgi-bin$ 
moin --config-dir=/usr/local/share/moin/moin-1.6.0/cgi-bin  --wiki-url=http://localhost/moin-1.6.0/ 
migration data
Calling migration script for ../data, base revision 1060000
Final mig script reached, migration is complete.
www-data at biljana:/usr/local/share/moin/moin-1.6.0/cgi-bin$

I have debian Lenny with Apache 2.2.6 and both Wikiversion 15.8 and 1.6.0 .
I am simply copy the data vom 1.5.8 to 1.6.0  

Final mig script reached, migration is complete.

This is not true. But nothing  happens. What ist wrong ? 

with best regards from Dortmund
                                                     Matthias Popp (KBDCALLS)
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