[Moin-user] Import text file
rb.proj at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 16:17:15 EST 2008
Olivier Lauret schrieb:
> Hello,
> I'm new with Moimoin and I'm trying to import text files into my wiki
> automatically. I've seen on Internet the following code "
> http://moinmo.in/ScriptMarket/AppendTextScript" but on the following import,
> the RequestCLI isn't valid in my environment:
> from MoinMoin.request import RequestCLI
> I've replace RequestCLI by request_cli (the only similar python script
> available on my server), but here again I have another error:
> TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
> when it calls:
> request = resquest_cli(url=url, pagename=pagename)
> If you know another way to import text file, I'll be happy to try as this
> feature is crutial for the wiki deployement.
> I've installed the lastest wiki version available (1.8.0) using
> ApacheWithModWSGI.
> Any help is welcome.
> Thank you reading the message.
> Regards,
> woody
How many text files do you like to import?
If only a few files try Action Load (see more action menu)
If you like to do it using a request object you do find lot's of example
on http://moinmo.in/MoinAPI/Beispiele
saving content of 'example.txt' on page u'ExamplePage'
from MoinMoin.request import request_cli
request = request_cli.Request()
from MoinMoin.PageEditor import PageEditor
pagename = u'ExamplePage'
page = PageEditor(request, pagename)
text = file('example.txt', 'r').readlines()
page.saveText(''.join(text), 0)
except page.Unchanged:
print "You did not change the page content, not saved!"
if you like to use xml-rpc
you do find the example at
The text can be translated into your language, currently it is written
in german:
is your friend
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