[Moin-user] Error log: INFO MoinMoin.config.multiconfig...

Bernard Rankin berankin99 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 1 13:34:41 EST 2009

> With CGI, moin is started once per request, so you get that line all the
> time.
> 2 ways to resolve this:
> a) do not use CGI (it is very slow anyway), try to use WSGI

Would using a CGI-> WSGI wrapper work? Probobly not?

I don't have mod_wsgi, and can't start any log running process.  Speed via CGi is just fine, for our traffic levels. (private wiki)
> b) configure moin's logging as you like, e.g. raise logging level to
> WARN (not INFO), see moin.cgi and logging configuration samples in
> wiki/config/logging/.

Thanks, i'll take a look.


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