[Moin-user] Simple workflow / Page approval

Rick Vanderveer rick.vanderveer at gmail.com
Tue Feb 24 15:13:37 EST 2009

One additional tidbit to Marcel's excellent write-up:

For point 1, creating new pages:
What we do on our wiki is use the NewPage macro with a custom button
label and template like Marcel suggests, but also tie it into using
the FullSearchCached macro or the excellent third-party NaviTree macro
(it creates a nice bulleted alphabetical list of subpages).

So, for example, we have one page (this is a simplied example):

== Sorted by LMS ==
## Don't edit this page!  Clients are added automatically using the
macro below!

=== SumTotal ===
<<FullSearchCached(title:LMSlist SumTotal)>>

=== PeopleSoft ===
<<FullSearchCached(title:LMSlist PeopleSoft)>>

== Add New Client Record ==
 1. Enter the client name below, and click the button.
 1. You will be taken to your new LMS template page, ready to edit.
Change the title & description to your needs, and click 'save'. Your
new client will automatically listed on this page.

<<NewPage(ClientTemplate,New Client Name,Toolkit/LMSlist)>>

and another page:
== Sorted Alphabetically By Client ==
## Don't edit this page!  Clients are added automatically using the
macro below!

== Add New Client Record ==
 1. Enter the client name below, and click the button.
 1. You will be taken to your new LMS template page, ready to edit.
Change the title & description to your needs, and click 'save'. Your
new client will automatically listed on this page.

<<NewPage(ClientTemplate,New Client Name,../LMSlist)>>



On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Mail at Heavy.ch <mail at heavy.ch> wrote:
> Hi:
> Dennis Benzinger schrieb:
>> Hi!
>> Is there a way to set up a kind of workflow where
>> a) edits to pages
>> b) creation of new pages
>> are not public until some admin user approves them?
> not 100%. but I think about two possibilities
> 1. Creation of new Pages
> =====================
> you can use the
> "<<NewPage(PageTemplate,ButtonLabel,[ParentPage, at ME, at SELF]
> [,NameTemplate])>>" macro together with some templates. so creating a
> new page is a bit "structured". (note that you can use template and also
> put the page directly under another page [ParentPage]). Drawback is
> maybe that the pages is "lost" in the wiki and there is no link from
> another page to this newly created page.
> 2. Template
> ===============
> That template contains an acl like "#acl
> AdminGroup:read,write,delete,revert,admin". This prevents others (beside
> the admin) to read the page. Also add some Category (like
> CategoryApprovesNeeded).
> 3. Admin / Approves
> ===========================
> The admin can have a single page with a search macro like:
> "<<FullSearchCached(cat:CategoryApprovesNeeded)>>" where all the
> "approves needed" wiki pages are shown up. Now the admin (or in this
> example some user from the AdminGroup) can visit the "not yet approved"
> pages and remove the acl and the category stuff. and voila, the page is
> "Public" and removed from the Category. (but you have to setup correctly
> the "acl_rights_default" in your wikiconfig)
> sure you can "reverse" this and say that in the template there is no acl
> but to make this page viewable to the public the admin need to add some
> acl like "#acl All:read Default"
> 3.1 Hierarchical ACL processing
> ===============================
> Another possible whould be to use some Hierarchical ACL. so you can
> easely move some page "FooBar" from /ApprovesNeeded/FooBar to
> Documentation/FooBar. sure you need to verify that the page
> /ApprovesNeeded and Documentation contains the correct acl settings.
> geees; hope you understand my blabber about acl and hierarchical stuff.  :-)
> bye
> Marcel
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