[Moin-user] Changing default theme

Mail@Heavy.ch mail at heavy.ch
Thu Mar 19 02:59:14 EDT 2009

J Zeiger schrieb:
> I tried to search the mailing list archive, but i kept on timing out.
> So, my apologies if this has already been answered.
In generaly read/search throught the wiki! For example about
configuration stuff:
 * http://moinmo.in/HelpOnConfiguration#style

> I have performed a desktop install of moinmoin. Simple enough. And I
> have not done any customizations. It is "straight out of the (virtual) box".

you can create an user accout and then switch between installed themes
(only for the current user) or add, for example, theme_default =
"classic" in your wikiconfig.py.


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