[Moin-user] PDF Creator

Rene Sch zulummar at gmx.de
Wed Nov 25 03:59:32 EST 2009


I am new to the community. I have directly a really simple thing, which I unfortunately do not manage it.

It's about creating a PDF document from a wiki page. Here I would like an icon which will only be clicked and then a PDF document is created. This icon will be displayed automatically on each page. That this is possible, I know because I've already seen it.

I think that it is the Macro pdficon *. py, which I can download on the moinmoin website. However, I have problems in order to integrate this tool. Has anyone here some info for me?

I thank you in advance.

I'm still fairly new to the area of Wiki and Web server.

Greetings from Germany
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