[Moin-user] acl problem
Kai Jaeger
kai at aplteam.com
Tue Oct 27 01:54:40 EDT 2009
Eric, Marcel
thanks for your advice.
Of course you are right, Eric, it is more about being polite. When an
admin looks at "RecentChanges" he cannot see if the intention of a
certain user is to hide a page, which is a temporary issue anyway.
When he CAN see it it's too late because he is already looking at the
Marcel, your remark pointed me into the right direction. My big
mistake was that the admin group rights got assign as "before"; of
course it must be default, it's to late otherwise to do anything about
On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 19:53, Mail <mail at heavy.ch> wrote:
> Hi Kai
> Yes because in your wikiconfig you have something like superuser =
> [u"Admin", ] and this gives your admin user rights "forever".
> In your case I would config your wiki in that way, that admins work in a
> normal AdminGroup (acl_default) with admin rights, but without superuser
> rights and a separated admin user with superuser rights. so still it's
> possible to switch for superuser rights, but your admin will do this in
> "awareness" and just for normal editing pages.
> see here: http://moinmo.in/HelpOnAccessControlLists
> bye
> Marcel
> Am Montag, den 26.10.2009, 05:59 +0000 schrieb Kai Jaeger:
>> Given that I want to hide a certain page from anybody else in a wiki,
>> even admins, I expected this on the page:
>> #acl KaiJaeger:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:
>> or this
>> #acl KaiJaeger:read,write,admin,delete,revert
>> -All:read,write,admin,delete,revert
>> to work appropriately, but it doesn't: Admins still can see the page.
>> Advice is welcome
>> Kai
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