[Moin-user] Is it possible to display local images?

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Mon Feb 8 17:55:14 EST 2010

On Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 05:12:08PM -0500, George Dinwiddie wrote:
> Hi, Chris,
> Chris G wrote:
> >>    [1]http://moinmo.in/HelpOnImages
> >>
> > Yes, I read that, but it doesn't actually work for *any* images that I
> > have tried it with.  It may work if you're actually sending an image
> > from a remote system to the system where moinmoin is running but it's
> > total rubbish if you're on the same system.
> The "attachments" stuff if for moin to store the images relative to the 
> page.  That should work for you.
> Are you running in standalone mode, e.g., only serving to a browser 
> running on the same machine?
Yes, though it could be that it will serve other users on the same

> >>    now the bit complicated part... your images on your  filesystem. I would
> >>    try to do something like this
> >>
> >>    1. install some apache and
> >>
> >>    2. configure the webserver in that way that your image directories are
> >>    accessible over localhost or your local domain like >>
> >>    http://yourhostname/images/s000023.jpg  <<   (but you have be careful
> >>    about your apache security configuration, because if your apache server is
> >>    also from the Internet  available,  others can also read  directly your
> >>    images, too)
> >>
> >>    3. then you can write in your moinmoin someting like
> >>    {{[2]http://yourhostname/images/s000023.jpg}}
> >>
> > OK, but *why* doesn't something like:-
> > 
> >     file:///my/home/dir/picture/abc123.jpg
> > 
> > work?  file:/ is a perfectly valid URL.
> file:// is a valid protocol only if you're on the local machine.  It 
> won't work at all for access from another machine.  When you use that 
> protocol, the moin server isn't involved at all.  Instead, the brower 
> fetches the file directly from the filesystem.
Yes, and that's exactly what I want to do!  I could even make it so
that the pictures are shared across the LAN with the same pathname so
that it *would* work for anyone on the LAN.

> > I don't want to put my whole picture archive on the internet.
> The file:// protocol won't work on the internet.
I realise that.

> > Not to mention that it would seem that URLs or directories with spaces
> > in their names seem to break things too.
> Yes, you have to URLencode them.  A space becomes "%20" in the URL.
OK.  Using a file:/ URL isn't the ideal answer.

What would be much more useful is simply to tell moinmoin that I want
to display this image (e.g. /home/abcd/fred/imahe.jpg) without any
manipulation at all, no copying, nothing.

Presumably moinmoin gets stuff from the 'static' area, can't this
ability be extended?  I certainly could create a symbolic link from
the static area to my pictures directory but I need a way to reference
'static' images in a moinmoin page.

Chris Green

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