[Moin-user] Is it possible to display local images?

George Dinwiddie lists at iDIAcomputing.com
Mon Feb 8 19:54:22 EST 2010

Chris G wrote:
> What would be much more useful is simply to tell moinmoin that I want
> to display this image (e.g. /home/abcd/fred/imahe.jpg) without any
> manipulation at all, no copying, nothing.

Well, Moin is a wiki app, not a full webserver.  That's why Apache was 
suggested before.

But it think you can do [[file:///some/path/to/mypicture.jpg]]  I would 
expect problems trying to get everything mapped the same on all 
machines, though.

> Presumably moinmoin gets stuff from the 'static' area, can't this
> ability be extended?  I certainly could create a symbolic link from
> the static area to my pictures directory but I need a way to reference
> 'static' images in a moinmoin page.

Sure. Just view the source of your wiki page and look at the URL paths 
to the javascript files.  Compare that with the file paths on your disk.

  - George

   * George Dinwiddie *                      http://blog.gdinwiddie.com
   Software Development                    http://www.idiacomputing.com
   Consultant and Coach                    http://www.agilemaryland.org

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