[Moin-user] Occupy Moin Street!
Radomir Dopieralski
moinmoin at sheep.art.pl
Mon Nov 21 02:55:04 EST 2011
Incidentally, anybody with the necessary skills is already using those
skills in their day job and possibly a dozen of side projects. Sure,
it would be great to have a dedicated contributor with some design
skills who cares about the looks and usability, and loads of free time
to spare (making themes is a really time- and attention-consuming
task). Any project would love to have such a person. It's probably not
going to happen.
>From my own experience with MoinMoin themes I can say it is a very fun
and rewarding work, but it takes a lot of time and some concentration
-- you cannot really do it after work. I was lucky enough to organize
things so that I could work on MoinMoin during my day work at the
university -- I made them use MoinMoin. Unfortunately, that changed
when I changed jobs, and currently it's hard to convince my boss that
I need to work on a project that is not ready to be used and it is not
sure if it's any better than the paid tools we already use. That's all
about a moderately-skilled programmer with some basic experience in
design. A real pro would be completely impossible to get (they often
even have to choose between important projects inside the company).
So, unless you will improve something yourself, there is little chance
of a miracle happening.
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 08:13, Kai Jaeger <kai at aplteam.com> wrote:
> Although I cannot contribute in any respect due to a lack of
> necessaryskills I would like to express my support: Nico is absolutely
> right;this needs to be addressed.
> Are there any plans for a general test suite for testing themes?
> That would be a great improvement because it would give one
> theopportunity to check whether a certain theme is working as it
> should.Together with a history it would make the decision in favour
> (oragainst) of a certain theme much easier.
> Kai
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 11:43, Nico Zanferrari <nicozanf at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Moin to all, this is a CALL FOR ACTION!
>> - the problem: Moin actually has a really old fashioned design.
>> Looking at it, you could think you're still living in the Ronald
>> Reagan era. "Gone with the wind" seems much cooler than the official
>> theme and the corresponding web site.
>> - the need: we absolutely need a good designer and UI architect who
>> will be able to take us in the post-Obama era. The new 2.0 version
>> should be a revolution, not only for the code but also for the eyes!
>> - the risk: we've learned from the past that making a new theme is
>> quite easy. But having a fully supported one, with high quality and
>> committed developers for the near future is not so simple.
>> So, a great addition to the Moin team would be some artistic/design
>> person who feels passionate about moin, and about creating and
>> maintaining a good theme. If you think you could help, please apply
>> within!
>> **********************************************************************
>> Apart from the propaganda and jokes, I wrote a 'desperate' mail on
>> this subject to Thomas Waldmann. He replied and suggested to forward
>> his ideas here. This is the relevant part of his original mail:
>> [...]
>> For moin2 (which is the "in development" version and the place where new
>> stuff should happen), we also search for someone caring about this
>> stuff. While it has increasingly high power inside, it still looks very
>> raw and misses UI design at many places.
>> I'ld like to have 1 or 2 themes there: something looking similar to 1.9
>> modernized (just for continuity) and some sidebar theme, maybe looking
>> similar to mediawiki (not 1:1 but somehow similar).
>> I don't want to have more builtin themes, see maintenance problem
>> described above and also I think it is important to concentrate on a few
>> quality themes than having a big quantity of "80% finished themes".
>> That 80% thing was one of the problems I was seeing with many 1.9 themes
>> btw. - themes that looked great at first glance, but lacked support for
>> important functionality. Or for scalability, or for RTL, or ...
>> Cheers,
>> Thomas
>> [...]
>> Have a great moin2,
>> Nico
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Radomir Dopieralski, http://sheep.art.pl
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