[Moin-user] Empty directories

Kai Jaeger kai at aplteam.com
Sun Jun 17 11:37:19 EDT 2012

Hello Reimar

> I can't reproduce in current version and haven't seen that in 1.9. also
> just verified with 1.9.3 too  (OLD!!
> http://static.moinmo.in/files/moin-1.9.3.tar.gz)

Sorry: 1.9.3 is certainly not old at all, it's just not up-to-date.

> starting the server
> visiting http://localhost:8080/ZZZZ
> ls ~/tmp/moin-1.9.3/wiki/data/pages
> BadContent  MissingPage

Obviously this refers to Unix  - I am running MoinMoin under Windows.

> So we need more informations about your setup.
> what was in that folders?
> Is this the pure moin version or distributed?

I don't understand the question but my guess is that the answer is
"pure" anyway. I am entertaining MoinMoin on my own server.

By far most of the folders contain an empty file "edit-log" and
nothing else. That is exactly what happens when I myself try to edit a
page without logging in first.

However, very few folders (less than 2%) contain a sub-folder "cache"
instead which in turn contains an empty folder "_lock_" and a
non-empty file "hitcounts".

I just realized that the problem is more general: when I am logged on
and then enter the name of a non-existing page then the folder is
created and contains two files: "edit-logs" and "edit-lock". When I
then press the "Cancel" button the "edit-lock" files disappear but the
folder and the "edit-log" file survive. That does not seem to be


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