[Moin-user] Diagnose and fix performance problems?

Christopher MacMinn cmac at mit.edu
Wed May 2 13:22:35 EDT 2012

Hi Thomas -

Thanks for your reply!

>> I used MoinMoin to build a website for my former research group at MIT
> Nicely themed moin 1.9.4. :)

Thanks! Our goal was for it to function like a wiki for logged-in
users, but to look like a normal webpage to everyone else.

>> As it stands, the website has some performance problems -- sometimes
>> it's quick, and sometimes it takes 10 seconds or more to load a page.
> Well, without more infos and without server shell access it is a bit
> hard to help.
> Look into web server logs (apache access log / error log), compare times
> when wiki is fast to times when it is slow.

> Look at machine load (linux: "top") when wiki is fast vs. when wiki is
> slow. Look which process is eating cpu.

I will do that.

> Did you use apache/mod-wsgi or cgi? cgi is slow.

Our servers do not offer mod_wsgi, so I think we're currently using
some sort of WSGI<--> Fast CGI wrapper. Could this be a major cause of
the problems?

> Is it when you are doing specific wiki requests? Like after saving?

It can happen any time, but we're primarily worried about normal page
loading rather then page editing. It's ok (though annoying) for it to
be slow on our end, but we definitely want to it be fast for everyone
else who visits.

Thanks much for your help!
Best, Chris

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