[Moin-user] still prob with docutil

Renato renato.pontefice at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 17:22:02 EST 2014

I'm getting crazy :-(

In a moinmoin page that speaks about rest, I read this:

    This is a *very* simple example. If you see two asterisks around the
    word "very" in the previous sentence, then the module docutils is
    improperly installed (or not installed at all). When the module
    docutils is there, the word is displayed in italics and this whole
    block of text is not displayed in a special source-code-like format,
    but like a normal part of the page

I see the two asterisks, so, maybe the docuils module is installed 
I think Docutil are present in my pc.
I'm wondering if I need to config moinmoin to let him know, where 
Docutil are.

Can someone help me?


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