[Moin-user] GSOC 2014 Initial Idea: Improve Bootstrap Theme

Chitrank Dixit chitrankdixit at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 09:40:28 EST 2014

Hello Moin Developers,

I am Interested in the very first idea of Google Summer of Code 2014 that
is Improve Bootstrap Theme

I have cloned the Moin2 repository and found that much of the work to be
done in moin2 to apply bootstrap theme , still the website UI is not
responsive for desktops and Laptops ( It comes up with Mobile view only).

I need some assistance over the idea how things should look a like, also I
need the Initial plan made before making the UI.


*Chitrank Dixit*

*Indore (M.P.) , India *

*trackleech.blogspot.in <http://trackleech.blogspot.in>*
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