[Moin-user] GSOC 2014 Initial Idea: Improve Bootstrap Theme

Roger Haase crosseyedpenguin at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 24 11:29:11 EST 2014

Hi Chitrank,

See http://moinmo.in/GoogleSoc2014/InitialProjectIdeas, under Hints for students.

In general, GSOC applicants are expected to make their own proposals.  The project ideas are just ideas to get you started.  You are expected to become familiar with moin2, find things that can be improved and write a proposal. 

As you ideas develop, use the DeveloperApplicationTemplate to create a wiki sub-page under your wiki home page and ask for it to be ACL protected.  If you have more specific questions you can ask for reviews of your proposal as you develop it.

Roger Haase

On Monday, February 24, 2014 7:43 AM, Chitrank Dixit <chitrankdixit at gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Moin Developers,

I am Interested in the very first idea of Google Summer of Code 2014 that is Improve Bootstrap Theme

I have cloned the Moin2 repository and found that much of the work to be done in moin2 to apply bootstrap theme , still the website UI is not responsive for desktops and Laptops ( It comes up with Mobile view only).

I need some assistance over the idea how things should look a like, also I need the Initial plan made before making the UI.

Chitrank Dixit

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