[moin-user] Can't index PDF attachments (bug?)

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Mon Dec 3 09:34:04 EST 2018

Am Montag, 3. Dezember 2018, 15:12:51 CET schrieb Thomas Waldmann:
> >> Is there some additional security framework active on that machine, like
> >> apparmor or selinux or posix ACLs or ...?
> > 
> > I'm not sure what you mean by "additional security framework".
> Well, I gave some examples. Basically anything that may intercept/forbid
> file access.

And this thing should block access to the PDF attachments in the Moinmoin 
database. Doesn't sound very plausible. Unless if Moinmoin would use something 
like this, and it's a bug...

> Ubuntu comes with apparmor, while some redhat (fedora?) dists come with
> selinux.
> ACLs can be checked with the respective commands, see man acl.

Okay, thanks for the info. But I can't remember having done anything like 
that. It's completely new to me.

The missing ability to search in attached PDF files isn't a show stopper for 
me. I think I'll just leave it this way.

Thanks for your time. :-)


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