[moin-user] How do I add the help language packages to moinmoin-1.9.10?

Peter Olsen pcolsen at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 20:35:32 EDT 2018


Thanks for your email. I appreciate the time you took to write it.  Unfortunately it hasn’t gotten me very far.

I think you’re right about having to be superuser to set up the language, but I haven’t been able to login as superuser.

I had already set myself up as superuser  (superuser = [u"PeterOlsen", ]) in both a wikiconfig.local.py file (shown below) and by adding the same line to my “standard” wikiconfig.py. 

Despite those entries, I am unable to login as “PeterOlsen”.  I don’t know why this is so.  This is a fresh installation, direct from the tar.gz and with no configuration, save for the insertion of my superuser designation in wikiconfig.py and wikiconfig.local.py.  This tar.gz comes directly from the moinmo.in website.  (I checked GitHub for a newer one, but without success)  This is the first time to login for any user.  I haven’t set a password.  Still, when I enter “PeterOlsen” as my user ID, I get "Missing password. Please enter user name and password.”   I have tried three virgin installs, directly from the tar.gz files, and have had the same result each time.

I have no idea why I’m being asked for my password for my first login into an unconfigured installation.  I’ve grepped my way through this and two previous working installations, 1.9.6 and 1.9.8, for the things such as the string “all_pages” and haven’t found it.  I’ve also looked for some evidence of a a password file with a “default” password, but again without success.

It’s entirely possible that there still is some simple solution, but I haven’t been able to figure it out.

Thank you.


Here’s my local config

class Config(LocalConfig):
      sitename = u'PeterOlsenWiki'   # u means that it will be converted to Unicod
      interwikiname = 'PeterOlsenWiki'
      superuser = [u"PeterOlsen", ]
#    data_dir = '/where/ever/mywiki/data/'
#    underlay_dir = '/where/ever/mywiki/underlay/'
      DesktopEdition = True

> On Nov 1, 2018, at 19:20 , Paul Boddie <paul at boddie.org.uk> wrote:
> On Thursday 1. November 2018 18.53.31 Peter Olsen wrote:
>> Ladies and Gentlemen,
>> I’m sure that this is an easy question and that it’s explained in the docs,
>> but I’ve cycled through the HTML docs about four times and I haven’t found
>> how to do it.
> You might want to visit the LanguageSetup page on your wiki. Here is the 
> corresponding page on the MoinMoin site:
> https://moinmo.in/LanguageSetup
> On your wiki's version of that page, there will be a link under "Installing 
> page packages" entitled "install help and system page packages". That should 
> show you a table of different page packages that you can click on.
> If you don't get the table of packages but get an error ("Only superuser is 
> allowed to use this action.") then you need to specify a superuser in your 
> wikiconfig.py file and log in as this user.
>> This is probably so straightforward that I’m not recognizing it.  Chalk it
>> up to someone who was most at home at the IBM 1620.  If anyone needs help
>> reading Hollerith codes, please let me know.  I can read cards directly
>> from the holes.  (Printing is for sissies.)
> Don't worry about it! This configuration stuff is not particularly obvious and 
> I've been using various scripts and reminders to help me get it done for 
> several years now.
>> P.S.  There’s a slight chance I sent this before.  I meant to, but I can’t
>> find it in my “sent” message file and I haven’’t received a come-back copy
>> from the list.  If so, please forgive me.
> Also don't worry about it! :-)
> Paul
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