[moin-user] Command-line control of moin?

Peter Olsen pcolsen at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 14:22:37 EST 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Can I control moin from the command line?

I've just been appointed Treasurer of a local non-profit corporation.
Because I'm new to both bookkeeping and accounting, I plan to scan every
document that crosses my desk.  I'd like to automatically add these as
attachments to my moin database.  The quickest way would be to add them add
them to a single "attachments" pages from the command line as I scan them.
Can I do this?

I have substantial (although dated) programming experience in C, Fortran,
and APL and some (more recent) in Lisp and Scheme, but I have little
experience in Python.

Peter Olsen
olsen at sigmaxi.net
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