[Neuroimaging] [Dipy] global tractography

Samuel St-Jean stjeansam at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 09:49:49 EST 2016

You could try browsing through
https://github.com/nipy/dipy/tree/master/dipy/tracking , all of the local
tracking stuff is in there. There are also the examples (
which could give you an idea behind the current stuff implemented and how
it works. Best of all, tracking is not tied to a local model (such as GQI),
but rather works with the ODF or the peaks depending on the tracking
algorithm used. Since they share some stuff in common, looking at the
implementation from the first link should give you an idea of how they work.

2016-01-04 13:07 GMT+01:00 Adam Rybinski <adam at rybinski.info>:

> Hi,
> recently I got interested in the concepts of global
> tractography---obviously there are many different algorithms--- but I have
> one particular article in my mind (Galinsky, Frank 2015)
> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4417445/
> I wonder, what would be needed to implement something like this in
> Dipy---where to start in your opinion?---are there any building blocks that
> would be suitable for it already in Dipy?(maybe reconstruction parts of
> GQI).
> Cheers,
> Adam
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