[Neuroimaging] PySurfer 0.8.0

Eric Larson larson.eric.d at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 15:31:20 EDT 2017

Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the 0.8.0 release of PySurfer, a Python-based
package for visualizing Freesurfer data. This release includes bugfixes and
multiple enhancements, including:

- The surface geometry that is displayed can now be changed after
initializing a Brain instance with e.g. brain.set_surf("smoothwm").

- Allow using custom matplotlib colormap objects or the names of custom
colormaps that have been registered with matplotlib.

- Added four new colormaps from seaborn: rocket, mako, icefire, and vlag.

- Terrain interaction is now possible via the ``interaction`` keyword

- An API reference page is now available.

- Support is now provided for visualizing vector-valued (3 values per
vertex) data.

Please see our website (http://pysurfer.github.io/) for information on
installation, documentation, and the example gallery.

We hope you find it useful in your research!

Eric Larson, Michael Waskom, Alexandre Gramfort, and the Nipy team
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