[Neuroimaging] OrthoSlicer3D

Dalton Sakthivadivel dalton.sakthi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 00:04:00 EDT 2019

Dear nipy team,

Can you describe to me some of the limitations on function that OrthoSlicer3D has? Is it limited to accepting images that are of the brain, or arrays of a certain size?

OrthoSlicer3D does not work for my data and I can’t make heads nor tails of it. Rather than a typical output, it plots four black squares, as though I hadn’t put any data in at all. It may be an issue that my .nii file contains images which are not of the human brain. Otherwise I am at a loss. I can attach my code to this email at a later time. 

I would very much appreciate any help you had to give in this matter, including alternative suggestions for displaying typical 4D nifti images contained in .nii files. 

Thank you,

Dalton Sakthivadivel

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